The 5 bodybuilding workouts I like to do

So as you all know I am kind of into bodybuilding in general. I spend lots of time in the gym through out the week and also keep my diet on track. My goal for now is try to build as much muscle mass as possible while I am on my bulk (also known as eating more calories than my TDEE). Because I am a natural bodybuilder 🙂 I will be doing natural bodybuilding workouts. Which means I am not going to train with super high volume and wonder why I am so tired afterwards.

To start things off I will like to introduce you guys with my split. Currently I am running a 5 day split as I think I would get the most out of this kind of split. On Mondays I will be hitting chest just like many other people who are into bodybuilding or lightning (chest day!!). On Tuesdays I will be hitting my back because I feel like this is the best way to stretch out my chest muscles after an intense chest day. On Wednesdays I like to train legs, this is because if I train legs on Wednesdays the secondary muscles (biceps and triceps) I use on the back and chest can have a longer rest time and be ready when I train them. On Thursdays I like to train by arms, as I said before this is optimal because my biceps and triceps had enough rest. On Fridays I will focus on training my shoulders and also add in some extra core work. After these five days what I like to do is to take at least on day completely off and add in a cardio session if I feel bored.

I don’t really like to do cardio because it is just plain boring and I can’t always do a HIIT workout. It is simply just not possible. But if I am on a cut for example I will have to incorporate at least 3 days of cardio a week. May it be walking on a treadmill for 30 minutes (I don’t like to run as it will potentially damage my knees and ankles) or doing a HIIT session. This is because I really like to eat. If i don’t cardio I normally won’t be able to eat as much as I really like to on a cut.

Other than that cardio is also very important for my general health I have read. So yeah, thats basically why I bother with cardio at all.

To get back the natural bodybuilding workouts I always like to drink a shake after my workouts. This is simply because I really want to get the most out of my workout. I don’t know if you have heard of it before but there is a metabolic window which is 30 minutes long after workouts. This window allows your body to consume protein and carbohydrate at a much effective rate than normal and so the bodybuilders claim: You build more muscle mass because the protein goes direct to your muscles. Believe it or not I am not giving up any chances when it comes to making gains. 

A shot you never took will always be a missed shot.

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